APS RFP Seeks Innovative Demand-Side Resources to Accelerate Carbon-Free Commitment
Arizona Public Service Co. is poised to add new smart customer products to its customer energy efficiency and demand-side management program portfolio. APS's newly issued Distributed Demand-side Resources (DDSR) Request for Proposals (RFP) is seeking aggregated clean energy resources that will create more residential and business customer opportunities to manage energy costs, incentivize energy use when solar resources are abundant, conserve energy when demand is high and maintain grid reliability.
"We're passionate about delivering a high-quality customer experience and incorporating smart conservation strategies that conveniently fit customer needs," said Daniel Haughton, APS director of Customer to Grid Solutions. "Our team is focused on increasing access to customer-sited demand-side products, planning for their seamless integration into our grid and adding resources that will help power APS toward reaching a 100% carbon-free energy mix by 2050."
APS is seeking proposals for products that aggregate distributed technologies to provide systemwide capacity resources from 5-40 megawatts and locational resources of 1-5 megawatts. This RFP is open to all eligible distributed demand-side technologies, including both dispatchable and non-dispatchable resources, which can include products such as energy storage, smart thermostats, managed electric vehicle charging stations and connected water heater and pool pump controls. Proposed projects must begin service no earlier than June 1, 2022, and no later than June 1, 2024. APS will allow projects to be phased in during that period as long as they achieve full capacity by the latter date.
This RFP was developed with input from stakeholders to support the future development of a DDSR Aggregation Tariff, which was proposed in a recent Arizona Corporation Commission decision. The RFP will help APS gain market information on DDSR technologies and the value streams they can bring to customers and the grid, including reliability, cost savings, locational value and grid support.
APS has successfully integrated new and emerging energy efficiency and demand-side management products into its portfolio of customer technology programs to provide dependable methods of load reduction. Among these customer resources is APS Cool Rewards, a voluntary energy conservation program that provides residential customers a way to manage energy use on hot summer days. APS Cool Rewards, now with more than 44,000 enrolled thermostats, and APS Marketplace, an online shop for competitively priced smart home products, are part of the utility's programs recognized with the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for delivering innovation in technology, customer service and energy efficiency.
The entire RFP process is monitored and reviewed by a third-party independent monitor. Information regarding respondent registration and proposal requirements for the RFP can be found at aps.com/rfp.
APS serves more than 1.3 million homes and businesses in 11 of Arizona's 15 counties, and is a leader in delivering affordable, clean and reliable energy in the Southwest. The company is committed to serving customers with 100% clean power by 2050.
Source: APS